ONZ Architects - d3 Exhibition Design is Silver A' Design Award Winner for Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category in 2013
Exhibited at the Turkish Architectural Center in Ankara until this month, the results of the d3 Unbuilt Visions competition is on display to celebrate the unbuilt concepts. In a rectangular space in the main exhibition hall, two black boxes which are floating in the air, are designed to highlight the concept of the competition theme. The flying boxes represent the perception of the impossible for the new and innovative ideas. These black boxes are composed of smaller units to emphasize the building process. The bottom part of these boxes is not finished intentionally. The units on the ground represent the unfinished process and the continuation of the research phase. The lighting embedded on top of these boxes is to create an illusion while hiding the hanging cables. The flying boxes are placed 1m above the ground. So from the outside just the legs of the people can be seen. The main idea behind it is “If you are in the box, you are a part of the research” and “If you are in the box, you are a part of the connection in between the ideas and the ground/reality.
Project: d3 'Unbuilt Visions' Exhibition | Client: Creative Initiative - TSMD - d3 | Site: Ankara | Size: -- | Year: 2014 | Status: -- | Team: Onat Öktem - Zeynep Öktem - Ekin Çoban Turhan | Collaborators: Gürel Kutlular - Esat Can Meker |