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The Mall - Mixed-Use Complex in Mogadishu
A' Design Award Winner for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2013

Ercan Çoban Architects & ONZ Architects - 'The Mall' Mixed Use Complex is A' Design Award Winner for Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category in 2013

The Mall designed by Ercan Çoban Architects & ONZ Architects will be located on a desert-like area on one of the main axis of the city, which connects the city center to the airport. The building program was basically including a shopping mall and a convention center. Considering the context, and the climatic inputs of the area; The design idea is based on dissolving the building program to create a cultural and commercial district out of it, which will influence its surrounding.

The designed complex includes an open shopping area, a convention center, supporting commercial units like a bank, a supermarket, a restaurant, coffee shops, a kid center, a pray area, open recreational spaces and a high-rise building of office-residential units.

Project: The Mall - Mixed-Use Complex in Mogadishu |  Client:  |  Site: Mogadishu / Somali  |  Size:  |  Year: 2014 |  Status:  |  Team: Ekin Çoban Turhan - Onat Öktem - Zeynep Öktem  | 
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